On Saturday the 3rd and Sunday then 4th the Hawkes Bay Regional Champs ran under thankfully fine conditions, the threatening weather held off with storms hitting other parts of NZ just days before, cool temperatures made for indelic conditions.
Thankfully the Tukituki was back to it’s old glory days, with really good numbers of fish up to a couple of pounds in weight and after a two year absence the smaller fish, they are back possibly attributed to a lack of large spring floods and with easterly weather systems and relatively cool weather.
Good numbers were caught through out the champs.
Congratulations to Lloyd Struthers 1st Place, John Gummer 2nd Place and Mark Clasper 3rd Place.
The event ran with the latest version/ czech style, with anglers controlling anglers and rotating through the sessions, ie fishing in pairs taking turns to fish and control, each angler got to fish for three two hour sessions. This format lead to a really enjoyable weekend, and a social occasion. Many commenting on how much they picked up new stuff watching the SFFNZ crew fishing.
Most importantly, it is great to see the river (the Tukituki) back to it’s old self. It’s recent apparent demise was very concerning. It is worth noting that the stats from SFFNZ events over the last few years have been some of the best available information on this changing fishery. The statistics from the championships have been presented to both F&G and the Regional Council and had some influence on the change in attitude on the management of this valuable resource. SFFNZ are proud that our events can contribute to the wider understanding of watersheds and their fisheries.
A special thank you to Lloyd Strutters as the organiser of the event and a champion for this great fishery.

(L-R) John Gummer 2nd, Lloyd Struthers 1st, Mark Clasper 3rd
Full Results:

1st: Lloyd Struthers (Hawkes Bay)
2nd: John Gummer (Palmy)
3rd: Mark Clasper (Auckland)