SFFNZ – AGM Minutes – 2 November 2008
President Ms Jill Mandeno, Treasurer & Secretary Mr Strato Cotsilinis, Mr Ian Gibbs (Sponsorship), Mr Peter Scott (Membership), Mr Steve Brown (Events), Mr Yoshi Nakagawa (IT), Mr Tony Houpt (Sponsorship) and some 20 ordinary members.
Apologies were received from Vice President Paul Dewar, Ms Hilary Prior, Ms Margaret Adams, Dan Comer, Paul Baker, Head Controller, Dave Pirrit, Neil Hawes, Graeme Evans, and Nate Jarvis.
Previous Minutes
Members preferred not to have the lengthy previous minutes read out.
Moved: Dave Alexander, Seconded Ian Gibbs
That this meeting approve the previous minutes as read
Approved with one dissenting vote
Presidents Report
The President reported that the major focus of SFFNZ’s activities for the 2007 & 2008 years was been the work undertaken in preparation for hosting the 28th FIPS-Mouche World Fly Fishing Championships in March and the following Commonwealth Championships.
The President reported that NZ had held an extremely successful World Championship in Rotorua in March, 2008 attended by representatives from some 24 countries comprising 19 teams and five individual anglers. Feedback from a large number of participants indicated that it was, in their view, the best World Championship ever held.
She noted that the committee who spent so many hours organising this event can be justifiably proud of how well this event ran and of all the positive feed back which has been received in both e-mails and personal calls. Although this has come from many of the participants, the positive response from some of the most experienced and critical anglers participating including John Horsey, the only angler to have actually competed at both NZ championships, Walter Ungerman (USA), Said Yahiaoui & Jaques Boyko (France) and Eduardo Ferrero (Italy) who all competed in NZ in 1986 and are now part of their team’s management was especially gratifying. The President personally thanked all the members of the committee who so freely gave of their time and talents to make this event so memorable for everyone.
In particular, she recorded the society’s thanks Mr Peter Scott and his team (Mr Yoshi Nakagawa and Mr Steve Brown) for the hundreds of hours of time and effort they put into selecting the sectors for fishing and then marking out the beats and organising the local sector judges. Their success can be measured in the enormous quantity of fish caught during the week. While the weather gods were very kind, the fishing gods were even kinder with some 4200+ fish caught by the 100 anglers each fishing five sessions. An analysis of where, when and by who these fish were caught has been made by Auckland University statistics department and is available to interested parties.
The innovation pioneered by Yoshi Nakagawa of providing photos of every beat on the rivers both on the web site and as printed sheets available at the draw was widely praised by all the team captains in their meetings.
Mr Dave Pirrit was to be congratulated for publicising the event to the clubs so successfully that in the event we had more controllers volunteering than was required. This was very gratifying and the President expressed her thanks to Mr Pirrit for all his efforts in organising these important people. Every bit of feedback received since then noted how friendly, well trained and knowledgeable our controllers were. She also informed the members about the heroic efforts made by Mr Pirrit in taking the 250 numbered versions of the book “NZ’s Best Trout Flies” all around NZ to get them signed by all the fly tiers represented in the book. As SFFNZ is the beneficiary of the sale of these books, she urged all members to get behind it and to buy it for gifts or themselves or to recommend it to friends. Stocks of this signed and numbered volume are held at Rod & Reel in Newmarket (Mr Peter Scott or Mr Kyoshi Nakgawa) and may be bought there.
The President also noted that the success of this event was significantly aided by the sponsorship we received from many sources. She thanked Mr Tony Houpt for his help in securing funds from n-Power and all the other people who arranged for sponsorship of the various parts of the competition. She noted also the enormous contribution Mr John Murphy who arranged for Stabicraft to provide the excellent boats and undertook to on-sell these as part of the sponsorship deal. The boats were much admired by the anglers attending and we can only hope that this event will help to bring Stabicraft’s name to the attention of a wider audience. Without their sponsorship we would have had a really difficult time using the lakes as part of the Championships.
A Championship is mostly remembered for the quality of the fishing, the friendliness of the controllers and the quality and quantity of the food and drinks. On all these counts, we exceeded our own goals. To the many people who volunteered as controllers, the society extends grateful thanks.
The transport innovation pioneered by Mr Ian Gibbs and his team of using small vehicles to transport just small groups of anglers and controllers was greatly appreciated by both FIPS-Mouche Board and the competitors. It ensured that the journeys to the venues were not too long and that competitors could be moved much more quickly and efficiently than usual. FIPS intends to recommend this mode of transport to future organisers. It had the unintended side effect that because competitors could return from official practice early, more people participated in the official practice than we have ever known before at these events. This put somewhat of a strain on the volunteer bus drivers and our thanks are due to the people who put themselves out to resolve these problems.
The President also noted that the assistance provided by her friends and the partners of SFFNZ members was crucial in ensuring that the administrative side of the competition and the ancillary events such as the opening and closing ceremonies and the Conservation Symposium ran smoothly.
The enthusiasm of the competitors for the Opening in particular was very gratifying and there are many wonderful photos circulating the world showing various aspects of the show (especially the haka). The Conservation Symposium was a huge success - so much so that it was standing room only. It is a measure of the quality of the speakers Ms Hilary Prior was able to arrange that many of the attendees who normally slip away shortly after making their obligatory appearance, stayed to the end. The universal comment was how interesting it was and how it had opened people’s eyes to potential problems which could arise in their own countries. Our thanks to all the speakers and to Fish & Game for the solid support they gave us both wrt this event and to providing didymo decontamination stations at all sectors.
The President asked members to record their thanks to Ms Hilary Prior, Ms Kay Stanbury (who also arranged and ran the guest program for us), Ms Lynley Scott, and Ms Verna Langslow for all their help in making this event the success it was.
That the Czech Republic won was sad for Mr Paul Dewar (Captain) and the NZ Silver Flies who had put in so many hours of practice and fished brilliantly to win the silver medal - narrowly beating France for the Bronze. As France have won this event more times than any other country, to beat them into third place was indeed a great achievement. For the Czech Republic, they once again showed what excellent fishermen they are with outstanding results for both the team and the individuals in it fishing on totally unfamiliar waters. It was a very special bonus for them to win in NZ as Mr Jiri Klima, their Captain for 15 years, was stepping down after this competition. Having donated our NZ flag to him, he tells me that it will proudly hang in his fishing shop in Prague together with the team medal and photos. Any Kiwi fisherman visiting the area is invited to call in and see this symbol of the event.
Our grateful thanks must go not only to our own members who rose so brilliantly to the challenge of trying to run the perfect event, but to those overseas visitors who helped in really important ways. I would like to record our grateful thanks to Mr & Mrs Malcolm Crosse from Australia and to Mr Ilka Pirinen of Finland. Malcolm came over early to help Mr Ian Gibbs and his team with the organisation of the transport. In the event this proved more complex than anticipated due to the need to schedule so many volunteers, and the additional help Malcolm gave and his understanding of logistics was vital in ensuring that we did not lose any anglers or get them to their beats or home late. Ilkka Pirinen and Kaylene Crosse had both offered to run the scoring for us. This is a massive task and that they were willing and able to take this on for the society was a huge help. They are both experienced at using the FIPS-Mouche software and this ensured that the results were able to be published promptly and accurately. The President asked the members to record our especial thanks to all these three people as well as the overseas controllers who offered their services so we could use non-local controllers for our team.
The President also noted that she would like particularly to thank the outside organisations such as Event Venues Rotorua (Ms Emily Pritchard), Fish & Game (Mr Steve Smith and Mr Rod Pitkethley), and Mr Brendon Hicks from Environment Waikato for their unfailing support and assistance.
The President also reported that the Hastings Anglers Club under the guidance of Mr Murray Boaler, deserved the society’s grateful thanks and many congratulations for hosting and organising a highly successful Commonwealth Championship at the conclusion of the World event. The comments I have received and the tales I have heard repeated to other anglers in Scotland in particular, shows that both our hospitality and fishing were deemed to be the best many of the anglers had ever experienced. Indeed some of the visitors could provide Tourism NZ with better publicity for free than they are generating themselves through the expenditure of loads of our money!!
On other matters, the President reported with sadness the death of one of the founding members of the predecessor to SFFNZ, Mr Nigel Woods latterly the manager of Hamils of Rotorua. A life member of the society, he will be sorely missed for his unfailing cheerfulness and the help he so freely gave to other anglers.
The President reported that following the world champs, Mr Paul Dewar had tendered his resignation as Team Captain and Mr Steve Brown had offered to replace him. This offer had been accepted by the Board. She asked the members to show their appreciation of all the Mr Dewar had done for the society and the team during his several years as team captain.
Proposed Mr Steve Brown, seconded Mr Ian Gibbs
This society registers its grateful thanks to Mr Paul Dewar for all his efforts as Team Manager for the last few years and congratulates him on his success with the NZ Silver Flies at the 28th FIPS-Mouche WFFC.
Carried with acclamation.
The President also reported that following the World Championships Mr Peter Scott, the Membership Secretary, advised her that he wished to tender his resignation from the additional post of Chairman of the Venue sub-committee. Mr Yoshi Nakagawa has offered to undertake this role in addition to that of IT co-ordinator and the President accepted his offer on behalf of the society.
Proposed Ms Mandeno, seconded David Alexander
That the SFFNZ wishes to record their grateful thanks to Mr Peter Scott for his efforts in Chairing the Venues sub-committee which has identified a range of new fishing sectors and marking competition beats for the world and national championships.
Carried with acclamation.
The President announced that she will plan to attend the next CIPS congress in Dresden at which efforts are expected to be made to increase dues and to set up regional organisations. Unless the membership moves to the contrary, she will oppose both these proposals. Jim Hale later expressed his strong support on behalf of other members for this course of action.
The President announced that the next significant event following the 2008 regional and National Champs will be the Oceania Championships, to be held in NZ in March 2009. Mr Paul Dewar, Vice President SFFNZ has the organisation of this event well underway. His report on the organisation of this event will be reviewed under general business.
The President reported that in 2009 the World Championships will be held in Scotland fishing for mainly wild brown trout on Lake Mentieth, Lochs Leven and Awe, the Carron Reservoir and the River Tay. She also announced that Commonwealth Fly Fishers of Scotland will host a Commonwealth the following week on the Island of Islay. As these two event are likely to be of interest to many members the President stated that there would be an opportunity later to discuss whether we should send a team to either or both of these events.
The President concluded by once again thanking the World Championship committee and her board for all their hard work during the last year and asked the members to show their appreciation in the usual manner.
Carried with acclamation
Treasurers Report
The treasurer presented the accounts for the year ending 31 March, 2008. As this date co-incided with the running of the World and Commonwealth Championships, the accounts for these events are largely excluded.
The accounts showed a surplus for the year of $234.49
The Society currently has members funds of $15,041.63.
Proposed Ms Mandeno, seconded Mr Jim Hale: “That the accounts for 2007/8 be accepted as tabled.” Unanimously agreed
The Treasurer discussed the current membership fees.
Proposed Mr Cotsilinis, seconded Ms Mandeno:
That the current annual subscription of $NZ 35 be retained
Carried unanimously.
The Mr Graham Evans offered at last year’s AGM to review the accounts of the society. This will be done now that the accounts have been approved by the members.
Moved: Mr Cotsilinis, seconded Ms Mandeno:
That Mr Graham Evans be appointed to another term of office. Passed unanimously.
The Treasurer then explained to the membership that the current balance sheet date was causing some problems as the National Championships sometimes straddled the end of our financial year. Also the AGM is normally held late October/early November which is outside the statutory period for holding such meetings.
Moved: Mr Strato Cotsilinis, seconded Ms Mandeno
That SFFNZ change the balance sheet date from 31 March to June 30th from the current year’s accounts.
Passed unanimously.
General Business
Calendar: The calendar for the year having already been announced, no-one required any further discussions of that.
WFFC: The World Championship had largely been reviewed by the President in her report. The Treasurer announced that there were still several items to be paid in and out, but that the overall position looked like being a loss of approximately $5000.
The President asked the members present to show their appreciation for all the work the Treasurer had put in to sorting out the accounts for the WFFC. The members responded enthusiastically with applause.
Mr Cotsilinis then asked the members to show their appreciation for the work their President had put into securing and running this event as the International Organiser. The membership responded enthusiastically with applause.
Oceania Championships, 2009: The President had already noted in her report that the 2009 championship was being organised by Mr Paul Dewar with help from Mr Strato Cotsilinis. Ms Mandeno offered to help Mr Cotsilinis on the day.
The President read out the report of Mr Dewar on progress to date. The dates are as follows:
Sunday 15 Registration & Opening
Monday 16 Practice Day
Tuesday 17 Practice Day
Wednesday 18 Practice Day / Free Day
Thursday 19 Competition day 1
Friday 20 Competition day 2
Saturday 21 Competition day 3 Dinner & Prize giving
Sunday 22 Depart
There followed a discussion and the following was agreed.
Mr Aaron West and Mr Jim Hale will undertake to mark the beats on both the Wanganui River and the Manganuioteau River.
Mr Nakagawa will organise the boats for the two lakes which will be Lakes Otamangakau and Kuratau. The President asked that we try to have only the same type and size/power of boat on each lake.
Mr Steve Brown reported that the accommodation had already been booked at National Park in the Park Motel and that all levels of service could be obtained there.
The President asked all members to forward to Mr Yoshi Nakagawa the names of each person who has expressed an interest in helping.
Board Vacancies: There are no elections will be held this year. However it was proposed as follows:
Proposed Mr Peter Scott, seconded by Mr David Alexander that Mr Neil Hertzel be elected as a board member for the remaining two years in office of the present board to help Mr Nakagawa as Asst Venues Co-ordinator.
Approved unanimously.
Regional Championships: In order to encourage greater participation in regional competitions, Mr Paul Dewar has proposed an alternative method of participating in and scoring these and of determining who would be sent to the National Championships. This would lead to a more sophisticated system of selecting the squad from which the team will be selected.
This proposal was tabled and a lively discussion ensued.
The meeting agreed (with one dissension) to recommend that the board continue to work on this proposal to ensure the viability of regional championships and to provided a superior world championship team.
NZ National Championships: Member are reminded that the 2009 National Champs will be held on 20/21 February 2009
World & Commonwealth Championships, Scotland 2009: The President invited the members to discuss the possibility of entering a team and pointed out that this would require huge fundraising efforts by members. However the other side of this was that many people who wished to attend would be meeting up with friends and family while visiting.
Anyone wishing to volunteer to help at this event is asked to advise the President of this after the meeting. Sufficient people interested raised their hands and are asked to contact the President asap. On the basis that more than a team of people wish to go/will be there anyway, the President agreed to co-ordinate putting together a team.
Funding Applications: The Treasurer reported that the society needed to formally approve efforts to raise funds from various pub and other charities.
Moved Mr Cotsilinis, seconded Ms Mandeno that:
Any two of the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Vice President be authorised to fill in and submit to various pub charities applications for funding to be used by the society and the NZ Silver Flies Team and/or its individual members.
Approved unanimously.
Angler Behaviour: Mr Steve Brown then spoke of his disquiet at the behaviour of some anglers wearing the NZ Silver Flies logo. He reminded members that they should not bring the society into disrepute either by their actions or failure to act. There was broad support for this and several members spoke in favour of tightening up criteria for wearing the Silver Flies badge.
The meeting was closed at 21.25.