SFFNZ - AGM Minutes - 16 October 2004


Unfortunately due to an oversight on the part of the President, the minutes of this meeting were not written up in a timely manner. This document therefore is being written just prior to the 2005 AGM and will reflect not only the details of the previous AGM, but by incorporation of Notes, progress on some of the actions left unfinished at this AGM. Such notes do not, therefore, form part of the Minutes of the AGM but merely record Board actions subsequent to the AGM.


President, Ms Jill Mandeno, Vice President Mr Paul Dewar, Secretary Mr Strato Cotsilinis, Magazine Editor Mr John Pellew, Competition Co-ordinator Mr Dave Pirrit, Publicity Manager Mr Ian Gibbs, Membership Secty Mr Peter Scott, and approximately 40 members.

Apologies were received from the Treasurer, Mr Don Short and the Sponsorship Manager, Mr Patrick Hegarty.


Mr Cotsilinis reported that the new Constitution had been finalised and registered with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies. This being the case, the meeting was informed that this AGM was the first to be held under the new constitution.

Previous Minutes

The minutes which had been circulated following the previous AGM were discussed at a Board meeting before this AGM. Several objections had been noted regarding the accuracy of the minutes. It was agreed they did not reflect the agreement which had been reached in March on the revisions to the number of anglers who can participate from each regional championship in the National Championships. Accordingly the President had issued a revised set of minutes on October 10th reflecting the agreed rules. It was these minutes which were unaminously confirmed by the meeting participants. 

Note: Although these were issued on 10 October 2004, they still have not been posted to the club web site.

Treasurers Report

At the Board elections at the March 2004 AGM, Mr Don Short had agreed to stay on as Treasurer for a short period. At this AGM a message had been received indicating that he was unable to continue at this time. Mr Strato Cotsilinis offered to assume the position of Treasurer in addition to remaining as Secretary. He would find another person to take over his position as Auditor. Gillingham & Co would therefore not be able to continue as auditors and Mr Cotsilinis offered to find another firm to take over this role.

It was moved by Ms Mandeno, seconded by Mr Paul Dewar that Mr Short’s term as treasurer be ended as requested, that Mr Cotsilinis’ offer to act as Treasurer be accepted and that the Board be authorised to approve the appointment of a new auditor.

The motion was carried unanimously.

Ms Mandeno will write to Mr Short thanking him for his contribution. 

Mr Cotsilinis also reported that, in his position as auditor, he had been in discussion with Mr Short as to the process of finalising the 2004 accounts to 31 March 2004. The accounts were not ready for approval at the meeting and it will be necessary to finalise them as soon as possible and file our returns for the year. Mr Short later finished these accounts and passed them to Mr Cotsilinis.

Note: These accounts were subsequently approved by the Board and have been filed with the relevant authorities. 

NZ National Championships

These will be held in March 2005 at a location to be determined by the Competition sub-committee but based in Rotorua.

Oceania Championships

Plans are well in hand for this event and members were asked to contact Mr David Pirrit, the Competition Co-ordinator if they were willing to assist in the organisation of this event. Several members indicated their willingness to help and will be assigned to organising the various aspects of this event. In addition to the teams from Australia and NZ, invitations will be extended to Canada, Japan and South Africa to compete on an invitational basis for the medals (individual & team) - although they will not be eligible to compete for the Oceania trophy.


There was a general discussion on the CD Rods sponsorship. It was agreed that there were flaws in the way the sponsorship was working and both parties needed to clarify their responsibilities. The President agreed to sit down with Mr Rene Vaz and review this matter with a view to improving the situation for both parties.

World Championships

The President raised the issue of whether SFFNZ members did indeed want to offer to host a World Championship again. She explained that we had received numerous requests to do so from various countries at the CIPS congress, and that she had tentatively suggested we might be willing to host it in 2008. A lively discussion followed during which the members reviewed the work this would entail and whether we felt we could find the resources to hold such an event.

Moved Dave Pirrit, seconded Ian Gibbs:

“That the President of SFFNZ is authorised to apply to the FIPS-Mouche General Assembly in May 2005 to host the 2008 FIPS-Mouche World Championship and Conservation Symposium”.

The motion was carried unanimously.

Other Business

Mr Cotsilinis proposed and Mr Pirrit seconded a motion:

“That Ms Mandeno be made a Life Member of SFFNZ in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the Society”

The motion was passed unanimously and Ms Mandeno thanked the members for this honour.

There being no other business, the meeting was closed. In line with previous agreements to change the date of the AGM, the next meeting will be held during the 2005 Pairs Competition.  Due to the change in dates of the AGM, the next elections for the Board will be at the 2007 AGM.